Categories: General
      Date: jul 21, 2011
     Title: Semifinalists at Educared 11 Intl awards!

xa estamos nas semifinais dos premios Educared 2011!

Selected as semifinalists in Educared 2011 Intl awards!

We have been selected among the 10% of 4.000 projects Worldwide in the semifinals of Educared 2011 Awards! The finalists will be published in August, and in September, the winners! Congrats to all teachers, kids and families!!

Fomos seleccionados entre o 10% dos 4.000 proxectos presentados a nivel internacional nas semifinais dos premios Educared 2011. Os seleccionados gañadores se coñecerán en Setembro...a ver se hai sorte!!! noraboa para todos, profes, nenos e familias!!