Categories: General
      Date: May 26, 2011
     Title: New videoconferences
3 more videoconferences in May
3 videoconferencias máis en maio

In May, we have celebrated new multiconferences in our pilot schools. One was made to share an interesting experience: a dad who knows sign language showed the kids the basics of this language. Our cloud multiconferencing system made possible to make other schools participate in the event! See the video at:

This week we had 2 more multiconferences. The schools belonging to Vedra council connected with the public nursery school of the same council and shared their songs and dances.

The same was organized with the 3 schools belonging to Boqueixón council with their area public nursery school


En maio, celebramos novas multiconferencias nas nosa escola piloto. Unha se celebrou para poder compartir unha experiencia moi interesante. Un pai que coñece a lingua de signos amosou aos nenos e nenas algunhas cousas da mesma. Esta experiencia puido ser compartida coas outras escolas mediante a nosa ferramenta de multiconferencia na nube.

Esta semana tivemos duas videoconferencias máis. Unha, entre as escolas de Vedra pertencentes ao CRA e a Escola Municipal Infantil de Vedra, e outra, entre as escolas de Boqueixón e a Escola Municipal Infantil de Lestedo.

Así, os nenos das guarderías coñeceron un pouco das escolas "dos grandes" e compartiron con eles cancións, música e bailes.