Categories: General
      Date: Abr 14, 2011
     Title: Book day celebrations by cloud videoconference
O CRA celebra o "Día do Libro" de forma conxunta mediante a multiconferencia!
Our schools celebrate "Book Day" together by multiconferencing!

Primary school kids from the different schools read aloud their favourite books to the rest of the schools by videoconference. This multiconference (7 sites at the same time) is quite a challenge because of the low bandwith of some school DSL lines (ranges from 512 k to 1- 3 Mb).


Os neno/as de primaria len para o resto das escolas mediante o sistema de multiconferencia da nube. Esta multiconferencia de 7 escolas está optimizada para poder acoller liñas de ADSL de baixa velocidade (hai escolas con liñas de 512k, e outras de 1Mb ou 3 Mb)

April 12th.

April 14th.

Radio Interview / Entrevista por radio

April 15th. Nenos de Sergude en Radio Galega (5 minutes)