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Ganadores Premios Educared



may 13, 2011

Meeting with parents

Presentation of their children cloud environments
Presentación dos escritorios virtuais para os seus nenos
Presentación de los escritorios virtuales para los peques

Categoría: General
Enviado por: mjrm

Yesterday we had a meeting with parents from the pilot school. We presented them the project progress, and introduced the main features of the cloud environment for their children. Attendance was very high and they all were supportive. All teachers from the school also participated in the event, providing parents their kid's login data, solving doubts, etc.

meeting with families


Onte tivemos unha xuntanza coas familias dos nenos das escolas participantes no proxecto, para contarlles dos progresos do mesmo, así como ensinarlles os escritorios virtuais que xa están a empregar os seus fillos e proporcionarlles os datos de acceso para poder entrar dende as súas casas. No evento tamén participaron todos os profesores, resolvendo dúbidas, etc.

reunión con padres